What makes blogging different from other forms of writing is that you need some tools that will make you do it more efficiently. Truth be told, you don’t need to have all the gadgets for blogging but if you have them, it makes blogging a lot easier and faster for you. Moreover, having the right tools and gadgets for blogging will help foster creativity and productivity. This is the reason why smoothly finishing your tasks is a lot easier for you as a blogger when you have even at least most basic but definitely essential gadgets for blogging.
Here are 5 essential gadgets for blogging you need.
1. Pocket WiFi

As a blogger, not only do you need to have all these online tools ready at hand but you need to have reliable Internet connection all the time. When you are on-the-go, a pocket WiFi is very important because it is your source of Internet connection to be able to properly create and publish a blog post. It can be quite frustrating when you don’t have a good internet connection especially when you are chasing a deadline. No matter how great your workstation is, when you don’t have a good internet connection, it just ruins the whole mood.
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Whether you are traveling or not, you cannot just rely on public WiFi from coffee shops or restaurants. So the next time you are shopping for gadgets, make sure to prioritize getting a reliable pocket WiFi that you can use for blogging. Moreover, this is also a necessary item when you are meeting clients or if you have blogging appointments that require you to be online. This is very important in these type of gatherings so investing in one should be your number one priority.
2. Laptop or computer

A personal computer or a laptop is a given item that you should have when you are blogging. Without it, you won’t be able to blog or do any content creation in the digital world. It’s one of the most basic gadgets for blogging that you should invest in. Depending on your needs, find a laptop or computer that you can use reliably for your daily tasks. If your sole goal is to have a computer where you can write and publish blog posts, you can have a basic laptop for it. But if you need it for other stuff like video and photo editing, make sure that you invest in a computer that will allow you to run these applications without any hassle. Remember, your laptop is your arsenal in the blogging world. So it is only fitting that you have the best one – one that will ensure you can perfectly use for your blogging.
3. Journal and Pen

You might think that this is a very unnecessary item on the list. But what makes a journal and pen very important is that it allows you to take down notes and ideas and actually write them down wherever you are. In times where you don’t have your laptop and phone with you, a journal will allow you to write down your ideas. Writing in a journal is pretty effective in getting your creative juices flowing because it takes time and it will force you to slow down. When you are slowing down, you have enough time to absorb your thoughts and think about what you are writing. Slowing down is very important in this fast-paced world today.
On the other hand, a journal allows you to have a creative space where you can also write your plans and what you want to accomplish for your blog. When you are attending events or conferences, having a small journal and pen with you is also very helpful. You will be able to take important notes from the event itself or from what the speakers are talking about. This is extremely necessary especially if you need it for your next blog post. While you can take down notes using your mobile phone, it is still important to have a journal in case you run out of battery. More so, you have something to write on in case you are using your mobile phone or tablet for taking videos or photos.
4. External Hard Drive

Storage is very important when you are a blogger and when you lack one, it can be pretty challenging. You see, blogging is not just about writing. You need photos, videos, or other graphics to incorporate it, especially if your goal is to attract more readers. These photos and videos can take so much space and your computer or laptop’s internal storage space may not be enough. So as a way to solve that problem and to prevent from having problems in the future, invest in a handy external hard drive with more than enough space where you can use for blogging. There are so many pocket-size external hard drive available today which you can easily bring when you are on-the-go.
5. Extension cords

There will be times where you are blogging inside a café or any public setting and unfortunately, there are tables that are far from an outlet so you can plug your laptop. This is extremely frustrating so as a way of precaution, always bring handy power strip or extension cord with you. This way, you don’t have to worry about finding a table near an outlet. This will also allow you to charge other gadgets. Just make sure to get an extension cord that is not bulky so it won’t be an additional bulky item in your bag. It’s one of the must-have gadgets for blogging that will definitely add value to your blogging life.
In today’s modern world, having the right gadgets with you is a must. Blogging is not just a hobby for a lot of people today. It’s a career path that people actually take and it can be easily done wherever you are in the world. If you have the right gadgets for blogging, nothing is impossible in creating content.